Go to Donor website
Click “Register” which is located at the top right corner of the page.
Enter your first name, last name, and email address. Please only enter an email account that you regularly use as this account will be linked to your donor profile and used for all verification purposes and receipts.
Within a few minutes, there should be a verification email that is sent to your inbox. It should look like this:
If you do not see an email, please check your “Spam” folder.
Click on “Complete Registration” which will take you to this page and fill in all required information:
If all password and detail requirements are met, you will be taken to this screen:
Click “Sign In” and sign in using the email address and password that was just set up.
To Add an account or multiple accounts where donations will be withdrawn from, click “Payment Accounts” from the menu bar on the left:
Click “Add Payment Account”:
To link a bank account (checking or savings), click “Check”. To enter a credit card, click “Credit”. Fill out all the required information and click “Submit” on the bottom.
To set up a payment (one time or recurring), go to the home page (first menu item) and choose "PDM Ruha Mount Austin Guardian Angels":
After getting to the donation screen, choose either “One Time” or “Monthly”. If you would like to change the frequency, click on the arrow next to “Monthly” to have a variety of different options. To start the recurring date at a future date, check the box labeled “Show additional recurring options” and a calendar will drop down where you can select a future start date.
If you have any account-related questions, contact us.